Last Official Duties For President Ralph Polson
The week of the NSCAA convention in Indianapolis will be a busy one for Ralph Polson, who is the men’s soccer coach at Wofford College (SC).
It will be the final week of his year as president of the National Soccer Coaches Association of America.
The convention is always a time of transition, and so it will be again when Jack Huckel, former Director of the National Soccer Hall of Fame takes the gavel as the association’s 64th president.
Becoming president is not just a one-and-done deal. It is a four-year track process from the time one is elected to the NSCAA Executive Committee.
Polson says that among key accomplishments during his year as president has been establishing future Strategic Planning for the NSCAA, which has been a project that has involved the Executive Committee and the full Board of Directors.
He also points to strengthening the lines of communication between the national office staff, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. Also high on the priority list was signing Executive Director Joe Cummings to a three-year contract extension.
Huckel becomes president at the annual post-convention board meetings that will be held on Sunday, Jan. 20. He spoke about his last three years on the NSCAA board.
“The highlight for me has been the progress we have made to re-establsh a sound financial footing for the Association”, said Huckel. “When I came onto the Executive Committee we were struggling through the recession and the loss of some agreements that had made our financials very tight.
“The national office staff, led by Joe Cummings, has been tremendously responsive and responsible about the financial position they faced and, to their credit, they have worked hard to manage expenses while still providing outstanding service to the membership. All that work is now beginning to bear fruit as we are looking to create new programs and services as a result of being in a stronger financial position.”
Huckel addressed what lies ahead in the new year when he reported, “The Association has embarked on a new method of strategic planning on an annual basis.
“This January will be the first discussion of the 2013-14 Strategic Plan goals at the Board of Directors and its future time line. We hope this process will prove to be an effective and efficient way to plan the future activities of the Association.”
“For me, it is a tremendous honor to be chosen by the membership to serve as a member of the Executive Committee, and, for the upcoming year, as the Association’s president,” said Huckle.
” I am energized by the responsibility that has been entrusted to me and my fervent hope is that I will meet the expectations of the membership.”
As outgoing president, Polson summed up his feelings about his experience working in the NSCAA leadership process in his last article in the NSCAA Soccer Journal.
“This has been a milestone year for me as this is my 30th year as a member,” wrote Polson. “As a young coach, I joined the NSCAA in 1983 to become part of a network of individuals who had similar concerns and issues.
“After a number of years I wanted an opportunity to give back to the association. In 1995, I was asked to serve as South region chair for the All-America committee. After some 13 years as a member of the All-America committee, I decided I wanted to take it a step further and become a part of the NSCAA leadership.
“In January 2008, I was elected to the Executive Committee, as Secretary. It is now five years later and I am ending my term as President. It has truly been an honor and pleasure to serve the membership.
“I now pass the leadership to incoming president, Jack Huckel. The NSCA is in good hands, as Jack is passionate and dedicated to serve our association.”